Seychelles Opens International Secretariat of Fisheries Transparency Initiative

The Seychelles has been leading the charge when it comes to tackling Africa’s bio-diversity crisis, recently committing to protecting 30% of its oceans as part of a New Deal for Nature.


Now President Danny Faure has gone a step further, officially opened the International Secretariat of the Fisheries Transparency Initiative (FiTI) during a ceremony at State House.


This will be the first secretariat in the Southern Hemisphere, it is a unique initiative that supports other national, regional and global efforts to achieve responsible fishing governance – vital for many African nations who rely heavily on fishing as a source of food and income.


The Director of FiTI, Mr Sven Biermann, stressed the official ceremony as being a significant milestone following 4 years since the creation of FiTI and the crucial strategic role it plays being located in the Seychelles. "We are very grateful for the government's commitment to host the International Secretariat of the Fisheries Transparency Initiative in the Seychelles, in one of the world's most important fishing regions," said Mr Biermann.


In his official address, the Vice-President, Mr Vincent Meriton, who is also responsible for the Blue Economy Department, retraced the journey since Seychelles' endorsement of FiTi in February 2016 and explained Seychelles' Government commitment that has today become a reality. "It is a pleasure to see our commitment turn into reality today. We are officially opening the offices in Seychelles, which will in time and with the support of donors, grow into the international secretariat that we all wish and deserve for FiTI.


Transiting to sustainable fisheries is and will be particularly challenging in the Indian Ocean. Our Ocean is populated by numerous coastal states that differ greatly in terms of their socioeconomic context, culture and aspirations. The institutions we have erected to govern the exploitation of these such resources require strengthening and support" said Vice-President.

Blessing Mwangi