Rwanda: Teams Start Intensive Training Ahead 2022 World Sitting Volleyball Championships

The 24 players of the national women and men sitting volleyball team will begin a 10-day intensive residential training camp at Gisagara Gymnasium on Friday, October 14.

They are preparing for the upcoming 2022 World Sitting Volleyball Championships scheduled for November 4-11 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The teams are currently undergoing daily rigorous training under the guidance of head coach, Mossad Rashad, assisted by Eric Gakwaya. The training will end on November 1, two days before the teams fly out of the country for the world's biggest event.

The selected 12 players in each team will join the final camp on Friday which is aimed at helping players get into the mood of the competition and build their match rhythm.

In the World Championship, the women's team is in Group C which also has Egypt and Brazil. In the men's category, Rwanda is in group four with Egypt, Ukraine, and the Netherlands.

It is the second time that the World Championship will be attended by two African countries for women and men. In 2018, Rwanda and Egypt played in the tournament, in the Netherlands, for the first time. At the time, Rwandan women finished 11th out of the then 15 participating countries, winning three matches against Croatia, Hungary, and Finland.

Men's team

Setters: Vitus Rutagengwa, Jean Baptiste Murema

Middle blockers: Jean Claude Ndahiro, Innocent Niyigena, Fulgence Hagenimana, Callixte Uwizeyimana.

Right Attackers: Emile Vuningabo, Jean Semana, Jean Bosco Ngizwenimana, Tiras Nsanzimana

Outside hitter: Callixte Twagirayezu

Libero: Jean Baptiste Ndayisaba

Women's team

Setters: Chantal Mutuyimana, Claudine Bazubagira, Solange Nyiraneza

Middle blockers: Claudine Murwebwayire, Clementine Umulisa, Louise Mugirwanake, Pacifique Kayitezi

Right Attackers: Liliane Mukobwankawe, Sandrine Nyirambarushimana, Agnes Nyiranshimiyimana

Outside Hitter: Nikuze Zaninka

Libero: Hosiana Mulisa

This article originally appeared in The New Times

Photo: Sam Ngendahimana

Blessing Mwangi