Ethiopia: Premier puts three days ultimatum to TPLF fighters
"I call up on all forces that are fighting for TPLF junta to defect to the government in three days. You have to prevent yourself from being killed or wounded in action for the sake of TPLF thugs that are now on their death bed" Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) said.
In his clear message to the Tigray people and destructive forces yesterday ,the premier also said the peoples of Tigray well understand the cost of war than any states in the country and should support the government's efforts in shortening the life span of the already defeated junta..
Tigray State Special Forces and militia have to know that the TPLF criminals are under siege and there is no way out for them, he said adding: " Now they are no longer commanding their forces, thus, it is worthless to die or to be injuries for some ruthless individuals who are enjoying life while you are starving to fight for them. "
The days of TPLF junta are numbered, he, therefore, urged the civil servants and the public at large in Tigray State to stay away from the TPLF gangs. "Those who involve in any criminal activities will be held accountable sooner or later"
It is to be recalled that the government has recently launched rule of law enforcement operation in Tigray State following TPLF juntas' attacks on the Northern Command of Ethiopia National Defense Forces (ENDF).
This article was originally published by Ethiopian Herald. [Photo: Rod Waddington/Flickr]