Northern Ugandans face starvation as hunger bites - UN
More than half a million people in Uganda’s north-eastern region of Karamoja are facing a high risk of hunger and starvation, according to a study by several UN agencies.
Those affected are about 40% of the population in the region.
In Moroto district alone, more than half of the population goes without any meal for a full day and night at least three times a month, the study found.
The region has also witnessed high levels of malnutrition, especially among children under the age of five.
In some cases, mothers were forced to feed their babies on a local brew made from sorghum.
The semi-arid region normally has one rainy season a year and has had historical food security challenges.
But an escalation of cattle-raiding related violence and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have worsened the situation.
In recent months, the Ugandan government has relaunched a programme to seize guns from the community and bring peace back to the region.
But it has been tainted by accusations of human rights abuses and resistance from the Karamojong people.
This article originally appeared in BBC News
Photo: Getty Images