‘Miss Curvy Uganda’ Plans Divide Opinion

Uganda’s Ministry of Tourism has received a mixed reaction for a new initiative to launch a ‘Miss Curvy Uganda’ beauty pageant.


Minister Godfrey Kiwanda announced the plans on Tuesday this week, which will see women compete in order to promote tourism in the country. Entry will be limited to those aged 18 to 35 years and the finalises are due to be selected in June.


Speaking at the launch, Kiwanda is quoted as saying, “We have naturally endowed nice looking women that are amazing to look at. Why don’t we use these people as a strategy to promote our tourism industry?”


Public reaction has been mixed, with some objecting on conservative grounds and others claiming that the initiative encourages the objectification of women. However, the lead organiser of the event Ann Mungoma has defended the initiative, arguing that while most pageants celebrate a Western way of defining beauty ‘Miss Curvy Uganda’ will enable “young ladies [to] showcase their beautiful curves and intellect.”


Blessing Mwangi